Whether you need to dredge a lagoon, dewater and dispose of unwanted sludge, process contaminated sediments or excavate/dewater coal ash residuals, the Carylon Sediments Group has the resources and know-how to take on any environmental challenge. Unlike other companies whose services stop partway, our turnkey sediment solutions can meet your needs start-to-finish.
By partnering together, our three operating companies — Bio-Nomic Services, Metropolitan Environmental Services, and Mobile Dredging & Video Pipe — are able to cover more territory with more resources, more efficiently. Carylon Sediments Group has the expertise and capital to complete part or all of any project.
Our core sediment services include:

Hydraulic Dredging


Industrial Pond/Lagoon Closure

Residuals Dewatering

Biosolids Land Application

Mobile Filtration

Sludge/Sediment Dewatering