
South Alabama Chemical Plant Stormwater Remediation

Video Industrial Services, Inc.

In July, Video Industrial Services (VIS) was selected by a large environmental contractor to assist with stormwater remediation at a large chemical manufacturing facility in south Alabama. This project included the cleaning and inspection of the stormwater conveyance system throughout the facility. The original project scope consisted of the cleaning of 200 stormwater catch basins and jetting of 5,000 linear feet of stormwater pipe ranging from 15” to 84” in diameter. Once the project was underway, the client quickly recognized the efficiency and dedication to safety shown by the VIS crew. Because of this, the client decided to expand the scope of the project into additional areas of the facility. In total, VIS cleaned over 450 catch basins and 31,000 linear feet of stormwater pipe. The VIS field crew (Charles Howard, Ion Cox, Reginald Hutcherson, Donovan Richardson, Ira Perry, and Reginald Williams) and management crew (David Lockhart, Angie Masters, and Heath Nelson) worked tirelessly for 3 months on this project and overcame every obstacle they encountered safely, efficiently, and professionally.

At the conclusion of the project, VIS received the following email from the client’s Project Manager:

“I wanted to personally thank VIS for your efforts on the admin and oversight end of things as I know the startup was quite a challenge between safety and logistics. I also want to thank your field team for working safely throughout the project and finishing strong to close out their part of the job. I know the conditions were challenging and the scope increased significantly, and VIS rose to the challenge and responded as required which was much appreciated!”